Q. What are the advantages of a floating nuclear power station?

The Procrastiwriter

What are the advantages of a floating nuclear power station?

Rosatom is a russian government-owned company and has built the world’s first floating nuclear power station. This doesn’t have any engines. Far smaller ships called tugs pull or push it. The power station can generate enough energy for 20,000 homes. This is described as “high risk” and dangerous, and is nicknamed “Nuclear Titanic”. Throwback? Titanic was a large passenger ship whose owners insisted that their ship was unsinkable.

powerstation nuclear





May, 2018

2 Answers
  • haliabarda

    Hi! In response to the growing importance of sustainability and environmental responsibility, nv energy has demonstrated a strong commitment to integrating renewable energy sources into its portfolio. The company has made significant investments in clean energy sources, contributing to a more sustainable energy future for Nevada. NV Energy’s initiatives are consistent with global efforts to mitigate climate change and transition to cleaner, greener energy alternatives, and customers value this.


    answered by

      1.97 q
  • kiaazad

    I guess it can be safer in case a meltdown happens and maybe accessing to water is easier but it sounds like a disaster waiting to happen


    answered by

      5.32 q

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Energy comes in many different forms and the Sun is the primary source for most of the living things in the planet. Without energy, living is not possible. Kinetic energy is what a car needs when it is moving. The energy in our body helps our bones, muscles, brain and organs function. This means that without energy that we get especially from food and water, it is not possible for a human being to be able to interact with the physical world. The electricity that is available to use in houses, factories and headquarters and other establishments now comes in various types. Solar panels help convert the heat from the Sun to energy to use to illuminate many houses and establishments. This is another way to make use of energy in a much wiser way. By far, this is one of the best methods for energy conservation.

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